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Recycling Cardboard


Discover your go-to waste management and recycling solution with us!

Why Choose Sian Kiat?

Water Sprinkler

Sustainable & environmental-friendly approach

We prioritize sustainable practices and strive to minimize our environmental impact by reducing waste, promoting recycling, and conserving resources with minimal costing.

Professionalism that you can rely on

We have a team of experienced and professional staff who are dedicated to attending to your queries and providing the best solutions to your needs.

We put your priority first, always

We prioritize our customers' needs and are dedicated to delivering exceptional service, tailored solutions, and exceeding expectations.


Our Services

We make waste management and recycling easy, so you’ll get a better solution at a better price.

Waste Management

We handle of all sorts of waste, ranging from steel, electronic, paper to general food waste disposal. You name it, we got it!


We advocate a series of recycling effort by providing sustainable recycling solution to handle recyclable waste, ensuring all waste are being taken seriously. 


We offer you convenient and reliable transportation solutions for individuals and businesses such as forklift, lorry and etc at an affordable price.

Our Resources & Facilities

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